Women in Science Conf. Teacher/Student Registration: Opens Sept. 1, 10 a.m.

Submissions for this form are closed.



Registration opens Sept. 1 at 10 a.m. and will close when maximum occupancy has been reached. 



This registration form is to be used by teachers who wish to register themselves and their students (grades 6-12) to participate in the 2022 Women in Science Conference. The event will be held on Tuesday, October 4, 2022, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Science Museum Oklahoma in Oklahoma City. Check-in begins the morning of the event at 8:00 a.m. Click here to learn more about the event on the conference webpage.

Each school may register to bring a maximum of 25 students and two adults to the conference. For groups with more than 12 students, two adults are required. Special Note: If more than one registration is received from the same school, the teacher who registered first will be allowed to attend the conference with his/her students and the second registration will be canceled. Should a duplicate school registration occur, notifications will be made to the affected parties.  

All adults and students entering the museum must be registered OR they will be required to pay a regular museum admittance fee the day of the event. So, be sure to register your second adult to secure them free entry into the museum; they do not have to be a teacher (they can be a bus driver, etc.). We will not have any extra passes to distribute on the day of the event. If you need to change the name of your second registered adult before the conference, you may do so by emailing the change to [email protected] up to two weeks prior to the event; name changes after that time can be made at the conference. 

There is no cost to attend the conference; however, registration via the form below is required. Each registered participant will be provided the following the day of the event at no cost to them: a light breakfast snack item, a box lunch w/beverage, a conference t-shirt & backpack, and entry into Science Museum Oklahoma on 10/4/22. Transportation costs are NOT provided.  

Thank you for your participation in the conference and for your support of women in science!  


In order to meet the requirements of our funding agency, the National Science Foundation (NSF), we must request certain information from event participants. Your assistance in providing demographic information of adults and students participating in the Women in Science Conference will allow us to fulfill our obligation to NSF; by meeting this and other grant requirements we are able to secure funding for this important event. Data reported to NSF will not include any personal identifying information. All information will remain confidential.    
Questions?  Call Gina Miller, outreach coordinator, at 405.744.9964 or email [email protected]
********** REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED **********