Native American Student STEM Competition & Teacher Conference

Monday, November 20, 2017 - 9:00am - 3:30pm

The 3rd Annual Native American STEM Competition and Teacher Conference will be held concurrently on the University of Tulsa campus in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Monday, November 20th.

Student Competition

School teams (five students each) will compete against other school teams in various STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) activities. Each team must be comprised of a majority of Native American students (4 of 5). Teams must have a nominating teacher/educator sponsor who is onsite at the concurrent Teachers' Conference.

The competition is comprised of secondary student teams competing in one of three categories:

  • All Girls teams (middle or high)
  • All Boys teams (middle or high)
  • Co-ed teams (mixed ages or gender)

During the day teams will be competing in a variety of challenges. Some of these include:

  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Physics/Geology challenge
  • Meteorological adventure
  • Science Olympiad
  • Engineering Activities

Awards will be given to the winning teams in each division. Teams will also participate in a poster competition; m

ore details to be provided at a later date regarding posters that will be developed in advance and brought to the event. 

Teacher Conference

While the students are competing, the teachers will be participating in a STEM-focused conference. Only teacher/educator/sponsors of the teams may participate in the conference.

Teachers/Sponsors do not need to register for this conference - All sponsors who bring a team are automatically registered. There will be five sessions, both hands-on and group discussions. Real-world topics relating to STEM for Oklahoma students will be the focus. 

As a condition of the grant award, teachers and/or students are required to give a presentation (online, video, or PowerPoint) of their experience at TU to their schools, classes, administration, or parents before May 25, 2018. Dr. Brown, the conference organizer, will come and observe the presentation. 

Registration --It's FREE!

This is a FREE EVENT!! There is no charge to attend, as it is funded through an award from Oklahoma NSF EPSCoR. Breakfast snacks, lunch, water, and a conference t-shirt are provided at no cost to the registered participants.

Registration for the Student Competition is limited to the first 200 teams (1,000 students) who apply to participate; only teachers/sponsors may submit a team application. 

How to Register for the Student Competition

  1. Access the following link to submit a Reservation Request for up to 10 teams per teacher (5 students each, with at least 4 out of 5 students of Native American heritage): Access this link--
    (One form per teacher.)
  2. Once your Reservation Request is received, the Conference Organizer will send you a new Google Forms link to finalize registration for each team. 
  3. You will then submit one online Form for each of your individual Teams. (Information will include the Team name and Team members' information, including demographics, etc.) 
  4. Your Teams are only registered after the Team Forms have been submitted and accepted. 

 How to Register for the Teacher Conference 

  1. You are automatically registered for the Teacher Conference when you register your Team for the Student Competition!

Access the Conference Website for more information.
Questions: Dr. David Brown, 918-631-2719, [email protected]