Dr. Dave Shideler

Oklahoma NSF EPSCoR Scientists:
Researching the Economics of Climate Variability
Dr. Dave Shideler’s research seeks to address the many challenges facing rural America in the 21st Century: aging populations, resource depletion, globalization and climate change, to name a few. While each of these issues pose unique problems, they are not mutually exclusive phenomenon; what affects one issue might also affect others, or at least the impact on the first issue might reverberate to create or exaggerate others.
This interconnectedness of rural communities necessitates a systematic approach of analysis to understand and address these issues. Such interconnectedness is the cause of many unintended consequences of rural economic development (e.g., environmental degradation caused by a job-creating manufacturing operation). Specifically, Dr. Shideler has conducted policy analysis focused on various economic development strategies including entrepreneurship, use of incentives and infrastructure investments; lifecycle analysis of biofuel generation; valuation of environmental degradation; and economic impact analysis of various amenities. He is also engaged in assessing the contribution of local food systems to economic development efforts.
Through the NSF EPSCoR research project, Dr. Shideler's will use his expertise to address the economic issues surrounding climate variability in Oklahoma.
Pictured above/right: Dr. Dave Shideler facilitates a Stronger Economies Together town meeting in Wilburton, Oklahoma on April 22, 2013.
Leon Hounnou (Graduate Student)
Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University
Research Focus: Performing data collection and analysis in the Fort Cobb watershed; gathering documentation on climate change scenarios; building capacity with Python software to separate Fort Cobb watershed climate data from the Red River basin data package; calibrating and validating Fort Cobb Watershed data.
Email: [email protected]
- Shideler, David. 2012. “Theme Issue Overview: What Happens When the Well Goes Dry? And Other Natural Disasters.” Choices, 3rd Quarter. Link
- Shideler, David and Narine Badasyan. 2012. “Broadband Impact on Small Business Growth in Kentucky.” Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 19(4): 589-606. Link
- Brooks, Lara, Brian Whitacre, Dave Shideler, Glenn Muske and Mike D. Woods. 2012. “Small and Home-based Businesses: Measures of Success and the Contribution of Local Development Services.” Journal of Extension, 50(1). Link
- Badasyan, Narine, David Shideler and Simone Silva. 2011. “Broadband Achievement Index: Moving Beyond Availability.” Telecommunications Policy, 35: 933-950. Link
- Campiche, Jody, Mike Dicks, David Shideler and Amanda Dickson. 2011. “Potential Economic Impacts of the Managed Haying and Grazing Provision of the Conservation Reserve Program.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 36(3): 1-17. Link
- Mahasuweerachai, Phumsith, Brian E. Whitacre and Dave W. Shideler. 2010 “Does Broadband Access Impact Migration in America? Examining Differences between Rural and Urban Areas.” Review of Regional Studies, 40(1): 5-26. Link
- Shideler, David and David S. Kraybill. 2009. “Social Capital: An Analysis of Factors Influencing Investment.” Journal of Socio-Economics, 38(3): 443-455. Link
- Shideler, David, Narine Badasyan and Laura Taylor. 2007. “The Employment Impact of Broadband Deployment in Kentucky.” Regional Economic Development, 3(2): 88-118. Link
- Shields, Martin and David Shideler. 2003. “Do Commuters Free-Ride? Estimating the Impacts of Interjurisdictional Commuting on Local Public Goods Expenditures." Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 33(1): 27-42. Link