Dr. Jon Biermacher

Oklahoma NSF EPSCoR Researchers:
Exploring Socio-Ecological Systems' Adaptation to Climate Variability
Dr. Jon Biermacher's research, extension and outreach interests focus on the economics of forage-based beef production and management systems; precision agriculture technologies; forage and crop nutrient and pesticide management; and bioenergy, biomass and feedstock development systems.
Dr. Biermacher's work on the Oklahoma NSF EPSCoR research project addresses three research objectives, including:
- Establishment of a first-of-its-kind, statewide, socio-ecological observatory;
- Development of a fully integrated socio-ecological modeling and prediction system that is designed to integrate qualitative and quantitative approaches and to systematically examine insights from both disciplinary and integrated perspectives;
- Development of a pilot decision-support system that provides researchers, educators and practitioners with data, models, tools and scenarios that are needed to explore and understand the social and ecological impacts of management and policy decisions.
Narayan Nyaupane (Post-Doctoral Fellow)
Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation
Research Focus: Performing an economic evaluation of forage-based beef cattle production systems in the Southern Plains with respect to climate change.
Email: [email protected]
- Haque, M., J.T. Biermacher, M.K. Kering and J.A. Guretzky. “Economic Evaluation of Switchgrass Feedstock Production Systems Tested in Potassium-Deficient Soils” BioEnergy Research. Published online: DOI 10.1007/s12155-013-9368-6
- Kering M.K., J.A. Guretzky, S.M. Interrante, T.J. Butler, J.T. Biermacher, and J. Mosali. “Harvest Timing Affects Switchgrass Production, Forage Nutritive Value, and Nutrient Removal.” Crop Science 53(2013):1809–1817.
- Biermacher, J.T., M. Haque, M.K. Kering, J.A. Guretzky. “Economic Costs of Soil Nutrient Mining and Benefits from Plant Nutrient Recycling: The Case of Switchgrass Produced for Bioenergy Feedstock.” Proceedings of the 19th International Farm Management Association’s Congress, 2013: 31-38.
- Amadou, Z., K. Curry Raper, J.T. Biermacher, B.J. Cook, and C.E. Ward. “Alternative Retention and Marketing Strategies for Cull Beef Cows.” Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers 76(2013): 248-267.
- Mosali, J., J.T. Biermacher, B. Cook, and J. Blanton, Jr. “Bioenergy for Cattle and Cars: A Switchgrass Production System that Engages Cattle Producers.” Agronomy Journal 105,4(2013): 960-966.
- Haque, M., J.T. Biermacher, M.K. Kering and J.A. Guretzky. “Economics of Alternative Fertilizer Supply Systems for Switchgrass Produced in Phosphorus Deficient Soils for Bioenergy Feedstock.” BioEnergy Research 6,1(2013): 351-357.
- Kering, M.K., T.J. Butler, J.T. Biermacher, J. Mosali, and J.A. Guretzky. “Effect of Potassium and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Switchgrass Productivity and Nutrient Removal Rates Under Two Harvest Systems on a Low Potassium Soil.” BioEnergy Research. 6,1(2013): 329-335.
- Beck, P., M. Haque, J.T. Biermacher, A.A. Hopkins, D.S. Hubbell, and T. Hess. “Impact of Clover Additions to Toxic and Nontoxic Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue on Animal Performance and Economics of Stocker Programs.” Professional Animal Scientist 28(2012): 433-442.
- Biermacher, J.T., R.R. Reuter, M.K. Kering, J.K. Rogers, J. Blanton, Jr., J.A. Guretzky, and T.J. Butler. “Economic Potential of Substituting Legumes for Nitrogen in Bermudagrass Pastures.” Crop Science 52(2012): 1923-1930.
- Butler, T.J., J.T. Biermacher, M.K. Kering, and S.M. Interrante. “Production and Economics of Steers Grazing Rye-Annual Ryegrass with Annual Legumes or Fertilized with Nitrogen.” Crop Science. 52(2012): 1931-1939.
- Interrante, S.M., J.T. Biermacher, M.K. Kering, and T.J. Butler. “Production and Economics of Steers Grazing Tall Fescue with Annual Legumes or Fertilized with Nitrogen.” Crop Science 52(2012): 1940-1948.
- Butler, T.J., J.T. Biermacher, S.M. Interrante, M.K. Sledge, A.A. Hopkins, and J.H. Bouton. “Production and Economics of Grazing Alfalfa in the Southern Great Plains.” Crop Science 52(2012): 1424-1429.
- Funderburg, E., J.T. Biermacher, D.O. Alkire, C. Moffet, and J. Mosali. “Effects of Five Nitrogen Rates on Crude Protein and Total Digestible Nutrient Content of Nine Warm Season Perennial Introduced Grass Cultivars in South Central Oklahoma.” Forage and Grazinglands (2012) doi:10.1094/FG-2012-0517-01-RS.
- Funderburg, E.R., J.T., Biermacher, C.A. Moffet, M. Haque, and J. Mosali. 2011. “Effects of Applying Nitrogen on Yield of Introduced Perennial Summer Grass Cultivars in Oklahoma.” Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2011-1223-01-RS.
- Tumusiime, E., B.W. Brorsen, J. Mosali, J. Johnson, J. Locke, and J.T. Biermacher. “Determining the Optimal Level of Nitrogen Fertilizer using Random Parameter Models.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 43,4(2011): 541-552.
- Funderburg, E.R., J.M. Locke and J.T. Biermacher. “Evaluation of Herbicides and Mowing on Catbriar (Smilax bona-nox) in Oklahoma Rangeland.” Weed Technology 25(2011): 626-630.
- DeVuyst, E.A., J.T. Biermacher, J.L. Lusk, J. Blanton, Jr., S. Swigert, B.J. Cook., and R. Reuter. “Relationship Between Fed Cattle Traits and Igenity Panel Scores.” Journal of Animal Science 89(2011): 1260-1269.
- Biermacher,J.T., R. Reuter, T.J. Butler, M.K. Kering, J.D. Springer, J.K. Rogers, J.R. Blanton, Jr., and J.A. Guretzky. “Economic Potential of Substituting Legumes for Nitrogen in Warm Season Pastures Used for Stocker Cattle Grazing.” Proceedings of the 18th International Farm Management Association’s Congress, 2011: 362-369.
- Islam, M.A., J.T. Biermacher, S.M. Interrante, R.R. Reuter, A.A. Hopkins, B.J. Cook, J.H. Bouton and T.J. Butler. “Production and Economics of Grazing Rye—Annual Ryegrass and Tall Fescue Systems” Agronomy Journal 103,2(2011): 558-564.
- Tumusiime, E., B.W. Brorsen, J. Mosali, and J.T. Biermacher. “How Much Does Considering the Cost of Lime Affect the Recommended Level of Nitrogen?” Agronomy Journal 103,2(2011): 404-412.
- Funderburg, E., and J.T. Biermacher. “Effects of Fertilization and Herbicide Application on Yield, Quality and Profitability of Native Grass Production.” Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi: 10.1094/FG-2010-1015-01-RS (2010).
- Guretzky, J.A., J.T. Biermacher, B.J. Cook, M.K. Kering, and J. Mosali. “Switchgrass for Forage and Bioenergy: Harvest and Nitrogen Rate Effects on Biomass Yields and Nutrient Composition.” Plant Soil 339,1(2010): 69-81.
- Guretzky, J.A., M. Kering, J. Mosali, E. Funderburg, J.T. Biermacher. “Fertilizer Rate Effects on Forage Yield Stability and Nutrient Uptake of Midland Bermudagrass.” Journal of Plant Nutrition 33:12(2010): 1819-1834.
- Kering, M.K., J.T. Biermacher, B.J. Cook, and J.A. Guretzky. “Switchgrass for Forage and Bioenergy: II. Effects of P and K fertilization.” Proceedings of the International Plant Nutrition Colloquium XVI, Paper 1318, 2009: 1-10.
- Kering, M.K., J.T. Biermacher, B.J. Cook, and J.A. Guretzky. “Switchgrass for Forage and Bioenergy: I. Energy of Nitrogen Rate and Harvest System.” Proceedings of the International Plant Nutrition Colloquium XVI, Paper 1158, 2009: 1-9.
- Biermacher, J.T., C.R. Coffey, B.J. Cook, D. Childs, J. Johnson, and D. Ford. “Economic Advantage of No-Tilling Winter Forages for Stocker Grazing.” Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers 72(2009): 27-36.
- Biermacher, J.T., B.W. Brorsen, F.M. Epplin, J.B. Solie, and W.R. Raun. “Economic Potential for Precision Agriculture Based on Plant Sensing Technology.” Agricultural Economics 40(2009): 397-407.
- Biermacher, J.T., F.M. Epplin, B.W. Brorsen, J.B. Solie, and W.R. Raun. “Nitrogen Fertilization of Growing Wheat Based upon Site-Specific Optical Sensing.” Precision Agriculture 10-3(2009): 213-220.
- Biermacher, J.T., S. Upson, D. Miller, and D. Pittman. “Economic Challenges of Small Scale Vegetable Production and Retailing in Rural Communities: An Example from Rural Oklahoma.” Journal of Food Distribution Research 38-3(2007): 1-13.
- Cook, B., J.T. Biermacher, and D. Childs. “Value of Pregnancy Testing Spring Calving Beef Cows.” Proceedings of the 16th International Farm Management Association’s Congress. 2007: 276-287.
- Biermacher, J.T., B.W. Brorsen, F.M. Epplin, J.B. Solie, and W.R. Raun. “What is the potential for Precision Agriculture Based on Plant Sensing?” Proceedings of the 16th International Farm Management Association Congress. 2007: 338-347.
- Biermacher, J.T., F.M. Epplin, B.W. Brorsen, J.B. Solie and W.R. Raun. “Maximum Value of a Precise Nitrogen Application System for Wheat.” Precision Agriculture 7-3(2006): 193-204.
- Biermacher, J.T., F.M. Epplin, and K.R. Keim. “Cropping Systems for the Southern Great Plains of the United States as Influenced by Federal Policy.” Journal of Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 21-2(2006): 71-77.
Publications in Press (2):
- Haque, M., F.M. Epplin, J.T. Biermacher, R. Holcomb, and P. Kenkel. “Marginal Cost of Delivering Switchgrass Feedstock and Producing Cellulosic Ethanol at Multiple Biorefineries" Bioenergy Research (In press, 2013).
- Amadou, Z., K. Curry-Raper, J.T. Biermacher, B.J. Cook and C.E Ward. “Influence of Beginning Body Conditioning Scores on Net Returns from Feeding Cull Cows.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics (in press, 2013).
Publications in Review (1):
- Biermacher, J.T., J. Donnell, and S. Upson. “Economic Potential of Using High Tunnel Hoop Houses to Produce Fruits and Vegetables.” HortScience. (In Review, 2013).
Extension and Outreach Publications:
- Raper, Kellie Curry and J.T. Biermacher. “Looking Toward Fall: Alternative Management of Cull Beef Cows.” Master Cattleman Quarterly, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Volume 19, Page 6, June 2013.
- Gaskamp, J., and J.T. Biermacher. “Thinking Outside the Boxtrap.” Ag News and Views. Noble Foundation Press, July, 2013.
- Biermacher, J.T., J.K. Rogers, and R. Reuter. “Do High Nitrogen Prices Justify Feeding Soybean Hulls?” Ag News and Views. Noble Foundation Press, January, 2013.
- Nichols, B., J.K. Rogers, J.T. Biermacher, and J. Mosali. “Switchgrass as a Dual Purpose Grazing and Bioenergy Crop.” Fact Sheet No. NF-AS-12-03. Noble Foundation Press, December, 2012.
- Biermacher, J.T., and E.R. Funderburg. “Hay Choices for Cattle Producers and Equine Enthusiasts.” Ag News and Views. Noble Foundation Press, August, 2012.
- Donnell, J., J.T. Biermacher, and S. Upson. “The Economics of Spinach and Tomatoes Grown in Hoop Houses.” Fact Sheet No. NF-AE-12-02. Noble Foundation Press, May, 2012.
- Donnell, J., J.T. Biermacher, and S. Upson. “The Economics of Strawberries and Squash Grown in Hoop Houses.” Fact Sheet No. NF-AE-12-01. Noble Foundation Press, May, 2012.
- Funderburg, E.R., and J.T. Biermacher. “Effects of Fertilizer on Yield and Profitability of Native Grass.” Fact Sheet No. NF-SO-12-02. Noble Foundation Press, February, 2012.
- Funderburg, E.R., J.T. Biermacher, C. Moffett, M. Haque, and J. Mosali. “Effect of Nitrogen Rate on Yield of Nine Warm-season Introduced Perennial Forage Varieties.” Fact Sheet No. NS-SO-12-01. Noble Foundation Press, January, 2012.
- Biermacher, J.T., T.J. Butler, S. Interrante, and J.H. Bouton. “The Economic Potential of Grazing-Tolerant Alfalfa.” Ag News and Views. Noble Foundation Press, February, 2012.
- Biermacher, J.T., M. Haque, and M.K. Kering. “Soil Nutrient Mining and Switchgrass Management.” Ag News and Views. Noble Foundation Press, June, 2011.
- Biermacher, J.T., T.J. Butler, and R. Reuter. “What is the Potential for Grazing Novel Tall Fescue?” Ag News and Views. Noble Foundation Press, December, 2010.
- Raper, K., Z. Amadou, C.E. Ward, B.J. Cook, and J.T. Biermacher. “Culling Time: Strategies for Adding Value to Cull Cows.” Master Cattleman Quarterly, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Volume 8, Page 2, September 2010.
- Amadou, Z., K. Curry Raper, J.T. Biermacher, B.J. Cook and C.E. Ward. “Adding Value to Cull Cows: Part II.” Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Extension fact sheet AGEC-725, August 2010.
- Biermacher, J.T., R. Reuter, and M. Kering. “The Economics of N-fixing Legumes in Bermudagrass Pastures.” Ag News and Views. Noble Foundation Press, May, 2010.
- Amadou, Z., K. Curry Raper, J.T. Biermacher, B.J. Cook, and C.E. Ward. “Adding Value to Cull Cows.” Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Extension fact sheet AGEC-619, August 2009.
- Amadou, Z., C. Ward, K. Curry Raper, B.J. Cook, and J.T. Biermacher. “Managing Cull Cows for Additional Value.” Master Cattleman Quarterly 3(2009): 3-4.
- Oswald, D., and J.T. Biermacher. “Implications of Proposed Cap-and-Trade Legislation for Landowners.” Ag News and Views, Noble Foundation Press, June, 2009.
- Springer, J.D., J.T. Biermacher, D.O. Alkire and M.D. Childs. “Premiums Being Offered for Naturally Produced Cattle.” Ag News and Views, Noble Foundation Press, May, 2009.
- Biermacher, J.T., and J. Blanton. “Healthcare Study Has Implications for Livestock Industry.” Ag News and Views, Noble Foundation Press, April, 2009.
- Biermacher, J.T., J. Blanton, R. Reuter, and J.D. Springer. Commingling and Marketing Value-Added Cattle.” Ag News and Views, Noble Foundation Press, March, 2009.
- Kenkel, P., and J.T. Biermacher. “Feedstocks Workshop Report: Policy Development and Analysis Workgroup Report.” Sun Grant Initiative, South Central Region, Tulsa, Oklahoma, September 11-13, 2007.
- Biermacher, J.T., B.J. Cook, and J.A. Guretzky. “Establishing Switchgrass for Grazing and Energy.” Ag News and Views, Noble Foundation Press, April, 2008.
- Biermacher, J.T., B.J. Cook, and J.A. Guretzky. “Establishing Switchgrass for Grazing and Energy.” Midwest Cattleman, April 24, 2008:9-10.
- Biermacher, J.T., and C.R. Coffey. “Does Conservation Pay for Winter Forage Production?” Ag News and Views, Noble Foundation Press, October, 2008.
- Gee, K., and J.T. Biermacher. “Prescribed Burning—What is the Cost?” Ag News and Views, Noble Foundation Press, July, 2007.
- Biermacher, J.T. “Cross-Divisional Projects Benefit Producers and Researchers.” Ag News and Views, Noble Foundation Press, May, 2007.
- Biermacher, J.T. “Agricultural Economic Activity in Noble's Service Area Driven By Forage-Based Beef Production.” Ag News and Views, Noble Foundation Press, June, 2006.
- Biermacher, J.T. “What is the Value of Pregnancy Testing Beef Cows?” Noble Foundation Press, Ag News and View, November, 2006.