Dr. Paul Spicer
Submitted by gina on Wed, 2013-09-18 09:55

EPSCoR Research Focus:
Observatory Network 
Department of Anthropology
University of Oklahoma
Please leave this field as it is.
B.A. | Anthropology | University of Michigan | 1988
M.A. | Anthropology | University of Minnesota | 1990
Ph.D. | Anthropology | University of Minnesota | 1995
Research Interests:
Oklahoma NSF EPSCoR Researchers:
Establishing a Novel State-Wide Socio-Ecological Observatory
Dr. Paul Spicer's research interests include: anthropologies of health and human development; medical, psychological, and educational anthropology; alcoholism, obesity, genetics; Native North America.
His work on the Oklahoma NSF EPSCoR research project will aid in the establishment of a first-of-its-kind, statewide, socio-ecological observatory.
Teaching Responsibilities:
ANTH 3943: Psychological Anthropology
ANTH 1823: Religion in Everyday Life
ANTH G5543: Research Design Childhoods Culture and Human Development Culture and Psyche
Key Publications:
- Paul Spicer and Michelle Sarche (2012). Poverty and possibility in the lives of American Indian and Alaska Native Children. The Oxford Handbook of Poverty and Child Development. (pp.480-488) Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press
- Paul Spicer (2010). Designing studies for special populations: Lessons from research in native North America. Applied Research in Child and Adolescent Development: A Practical Guide (pp. 81-99). London: Taylor and Francis
- Calvin D. Croy, Marjorie Bezdek, Christina M. Mitchell, and Paul Spicer (2009). Young adult migration from a northern plains Indian reservation: Who stays and who leaves. Population Research and Policy Review 28, 641-660
- Janette Beals, Spero M. Manson, Christina M. Mitchell, Paul Spicer, and the AI-SUPERPFP Team (2003). Cultural specificity and comparison in psychiatric epidemiology: Walking the tightrope in American Indian research. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 27, 259-289.
- Lori L. Jervis, Paul Spicer, Spero M. Manson, and the AI-SUPERPFP Team (2003). Boredom, “trouble,” and the realities of postcolonial reservation life. Ethos 31, 38-58. ii. Five Other Significant Publications
- Paul Spicer, Teresa LaFromboise, Carol Markstrom, Michael Niles, Amy West, Karen Fehringer, Liane Grayson, and Michelle Sarche (2012). Toward an applied developmental science for native children, adolescents, and families. Child Development Perspectives, 6(1), 49-54
- Janette Beals, Spero M. Manson, Nancy R. Whitesell, Christina M. Mitchell, Douglas K. Novins, Sylvia Simpson, Paul Spicer, and the AI-SUPERPFP Team (2005). Prevalence of Major Depression in two American Indian reservation populations: Unexpected findings with a structured interview. American Journal of Psychiatry 162, 1713-1722
- Janette Beals, Douglas K. Novins, Paul Spicer, Heather D. Orton, Christina M. Mitchell, Spero M. Manson, and the AI-SUPERPFP Team (2004). Challenges in operationalizing the DSM-IV clinical significance criterion. Archives of General Psychiatry 61, 1197-1207
- Paul Spicer, Janette Beals, Calvin D. Croy, Christina M. Mitchell, Douglas K. Novins, Laurie Moore, Spero M. Manson, and the AI-SUPERPFP Team (2003). The prevalence of alcohol dependence in two American Indian reservation populations. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 27, 1785-1797
- Paul Spicer, Douglas K. Novins, Christina M. Mitchell, and Janette Beals (2003). Aboriginal social organization, contemporary experience, and American Indian adolescent alcohol use. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 64, 450-457.
Curriculum Vitae:
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