Enrollment is Now Open for Free Online Climate Course Offered by SCCSC
The South Central Climate Science Center (SCCSC) is offering a FREE online course titled "Managing for a Changing Climate" that will launch on August 21, 2017. The course is taught by EPSCoR co-lead researcher Dr. Renee McPherson, who also serves as the SCCSC director of research, and Emma Kuster, of the SCCSC. Anyone (climate scientists, interested citizens, college students, resource managers, etc.) who wants to learn more about how climate change is impacting our planet and better understand various potential management strategies is welcome to participate! The course will be available through the janux.ou.edu platform. Setting up an account is free and easy, and you can sign up today!
This course will provide an integrative understanding of the components of the climate system, including the range of natural climate variability and external drivers of climate change. In addition, participants will learn about the impacts of a changing climate on multiple sectors such as the economy, policy, ecosystems, and indigenous populations.
Each week, participants in the class will watch 4-6 short educational videos, read additional supplemental material, and conduct discussions online. There will be OU students taking this course for credit and you will have the opportunity to engage with them through the online discussion boards. (Note: You do not have to live in Oklahoma to participate.)
All participants will be evaluated through regular online quizzes. Upon completion of the course, each participant will receive a personalized certificate!
If you miss the start date, those not enrolled for credit should be able to enroll in the course at any time in the semester and engage with all of the material that has been released up to that point.
Development of this course was funded by the USGS through the South Central Climate Science Center on Grant #G15AP00136, NASA through the Oklahoma Space Grant Consortium on Grant #NNX11AB54H, and the University of Oklahoma College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences. The contents of this course are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the funding agencies.
Register here: https://janux.ou.edu/course.tag-nextthought-com-2011-10-nti-courseinfo-fall2017-geog-metr-3523.html
Please send any questions to [email protected].