Funding Announcement: OK NASA EPSCoR Research Initiation Grants (RIG)

Submission Deadline: 
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Note: The information below was obtained from the OK NASA EPSCoR website on 11/4/21 and was accurate at that time. Please access the official website to access the most recent program updates.


Researchers may apply for two types of awards: 
  • Four Competitively Selected RIG/RIF Awards selected by NASA Oklahoma EPSCoR Committee
  • $30,000 award​

Traditional RIG 

  • Funds to forge research collaboration with counterparts at NASA Centers and NASA Mission Directorates
  • Research must align with
  • Funds may support Post Doctoral researchers, Graduate Assistants, Undergraduate Assistants, materials and supplies and travel to NASA Centers for research visits
  • Proposals Due: December 15, 2021
  • Awards Announced: December 21, 2021
  • Period of Performance: January 3, 2022 – July 29, 2022
  • Research Report Due: August 12, 2022

Faculty Research Initiation Fellowships (RIF) 

  • Funds may be used to support Faculty Research Initiation Fellowships of $30,000.    In-residence research experience at a NASA Center is one of the best ways to become deeply involved in NASA research, and to build long-term relationships with NASA colleagues.  It is also an effective way to bring NASA experience to the university for use in future proposals, collaborations, and the classroom.
  • Faculty must be physically in residence working at a NASA Center for at least 8 weeks (not including travel time)
  • Funds may be used for faculty salary support and travel.
  • A statement letter from the candidate about how the fellowship will factor into their long-term plan for establishing research related to NASA interests.
  • A letter of support from the NASA collaborator agreeing to host the faculty member if selected, and a general description of the type of work with which the faculty member will assist NASA.
  • Proposals Due: October 18, 2021
  • Awards Announced: November 4, 2021
  • Period of Performance: November 15, 2021 – August 19, 2022
  • Research Report Due: September 6, 2022
RIG  and RIF awards are intended to initiate new research collaborations with NASA, and to prepare researchers to propose the much larger and longer-term Research Implementation grants. To be eligible: 
  1. The proposed effort should not be an extension of any existing or past funded collaboration.  It should be new.
  2. The researcher has been awarded a NASA Oklahoma EPSCoR Travel Grant within the last 5 years, to specifically visit the group or person that will be the proposed NASA collaborator on the proposed RIG.  If an applicant had a travel grant within the last 5 years, but that grant was to visit a different person or group within NASA, that applicant is not eligible.
Exception: An applicant may be eligible for a RIG grant without first receiving a Travel Grant, if the condition of item 1 above has been met, but the funding was provided by another source.
  • Research Proposed:
    Scientific and technical merit (25 points)
    Relevance to NASA (25 points)
    Relevance to Oklahoma (15 points)
  • Budget and Justification (15 points) 
  • NASA Contact Letter - should reflect strong support for research collaboration from a NASA contact (15 points)
  • PI Vitae (5 points)
    Total Score (100 points)
Proposals for RIFs will be ranked according to:
  • Focus on research areas related to NASA Strategic Plan and Interest Areas
  • NASA Support letter
  • All travel must be domestic only.
  • Only proposals utilizing the provided linked forms will be reviewed
  • Permanent equipment may not be purchased with grant funds
  • Faculty salaries may NOT be included in the budget for traditional RIG
  • Limit of one award per year to an individual
  • IDC may NOT be charged
  • No Cost Share is required
A single PDF document consisting of the following items should be submitted no later than close of business October 18, 2021to [email protected]
  • A cover/application page (not included in page count): PDF
  • A research proposal limited to five pages of text.
  • A budget with a justification for each line item (not included in page count): EXCEL FILE
  • A two page vitae of the Principal Investigator (not included in page count)
  • A letter of support and a commitment to collaborate from a NASA Center counterpart (not included in page count).​
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