NSF Funding Opportunity: Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems
The National Science Foundation has announced a new funding opportunity that addresses the dynamics of coupled natural and human systems. $12 million is available; an estimated 8-13 grants will be awarded. The proposal submission deadline is January 23.
The Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems (CNH) Program supports interdisciplinary research that examines human and natural system processes and the complex interactions among human and natural systems at diverse scales. Research projects to be supported by CNH must include analyses of four different components: (1) the dynamics of a natural system; (2) the dynamics of a human system; (3) the processes through which the natural system affects the human system; and (4) the processes through which the human system affects the natural system. CNH also supports research coordination networks (CNH-RCNs) designed to facilitate activities that promote future research by broad research communities that will include all four components necessary for CNH funding.
CNH is a standing program jointly operated by three NSF directorates (Biological Sciences; Geosciences; and Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences). CNH provides support only for projects described in proposals submitted for the annual CNH competition.For more information about CNH, consult the CNH web site at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=13681.
Award Information
Anticipated Type of Award: Standard Grant or Continuing Grant
Estimated Number of Awards: 8 to 13
Anticipated Funding Amount: $12,000,000
The amount of funding is approximate, pending availability of funds.
- The upper limit of CNH Large Research Project (CNH-L) awards: $1,600,000
- The upper limit of CNH Small Research Project (CNH-S) awards: $750,000
Eligibility Information
Who May Submit Proposals:
Proposals may only be submitted by the following:
- Universities and Colleges - Universities and two- and four-year colleges (including community colleges) accredited in, and having a campus located in, the US acting on behalf of their faculty members. Such organizations also are referred to as academic institutions.
- Non-profit, non-academic organizations: Independent museums, observatories, research labs, professional societies and similar organizations in the U.S. associated with educational or research activities.
Who May Serve as PI: There are no restrictions or limits.
- Limit on Number of Proposals per Organization: There are no restrictions or limits.
- Limit on Number of Proposals per PI or Co-PI: There are no restrictions or limits.
Proposal Preparation and Submission Instructions
A. Proposal Preparation Instructions
- Letters of Intent: Not required
- Preliminary Proposal Submission: Not required
- Full Proposals:
- Full Proposals submitted via FastLane: NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) guidelines apply. The complete text of the PAPPG is available electronically on the NSF website at: https://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=pappg.
- Full Proposals submitted via Grants.gov: NSF Grants.gov Application Guide: A Guide for the Preparation and Submission of NSF Applications via Grants.gov guidelines apply (Note: The NSF Grants.gov Application Guide is available on the Grants.gov website and on the NSF website at: https://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=grantsgovguide).
B. Budgetary Information
- Cost Sharing Requirements: Inclusion of voluntary committed cost sharing is prohibited.
- Indirect Cost (F&A) Limitations: Not Applicable
- Other Budgetary Limitations: Other budgetary limitations apply. Please see the full text of this solicitation for further information.
Please note: This information was current as of the time of publication (10/24/17). Updated information and program changes may be accessed via the official NSF website at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=13681.
Access the Official Program Page for up-to-date information and other program details.
View the Solicitation.