Save the Date: 2012 Oklahoma EPSCoR Annual State Conference
Registration for this event is scheduled to open February 1, 2012.
Researchers from across the state will gather to highlight Oklahoma’s bioenergy research efforts during the OK EPSCoR Annual State Conference on Tuesday, April 10, 2012. The event will be held at the Wes Watkins Conference Center on the Oklahoma State University campus in Stillwater.
The agenda is currently being confirmed; information will be added to this site as it becomes available.
A scientific poster session and hybrid poster/oral presentation contest will be held during the event to spotlight research progress in the alternative energy field. Please note: The hybrid poster/oral presentation contest is for undergraduate and graduate students only. However, the scientific poster session is open to all participants. Detailed poster and competition registration information will be available in February.
Bioenergy investigators from Oklahoma and nearby states, EPSCoR external advisory board members and program officers from federal granting agencies are invited to attend the event, which is hosted by Oklahoma EPSCoR, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, and the National Science Foundation.
There is no cost to attend, but registration is required. Registration for the event is scheduled to open February 1, 2012 at http://www.okepscor.org/calendar/oklahoma-epscor-annual-state-conference.
For more information, contact Gina Miller, outreach coordinator, at [email protected] or 405.744.7645.