Science Museum Oklahoma Offers Free Admission, Inaugural TINKERFEST
A car take-apart, blacksmithing, robotics, carpentry, weaving, and more than 50 additional activities will come to Science Museum Oklahoma from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 30 as part of the museum’s inaugural Tinkerfest. Admission to the museum and all Tinkerfest activities is free thanks to the event’s presenting sponsor, Oklahoma EPSCoR.
“Tinkerfest is a unique, innovative and never-before-seen event for Oklahoma and we are eager for the community to experience it,” said Science Museum Oklahoma President and CEO Sherry Marshall.
“Tinkering is at the core of all learning — it all starts with an idea, and tinkering gives you a chance to turn that idea into a reality. It is discovering how to act on ideas, craft thoughts into actions, collaborate and let imagination run wild,” Marshall added.
The daylong celebration of curiosity and creativity will encompass the entire museum and grounds. Tinkerers hosting activities include representatives from FIRST LEGO League, Fiber Artists of Oklahoma, Norman Firehouse Arts Center, Oklahoma City Orchestra League and the Oklahoma City Philharmonic, Oklahoma City Girls Art School, Arkansas’ Museum of Discovery and the Scott Family Amazeum, Tulsa Children’s Museum Discovery Lab, and many more.
“Oklahoma EPSCoR is pleased to sponsor Science Museum Oklahoma's 2017 Tinkerfest. This exciting day of hands-on science experiences will provide outstanding opportunities for children to discover the many possibilities of STEM,” said Ray Huhnke, Ph.D., director of Oklahoma EPSCoR.
“We at EPSCoR are especially excited that this event is designed to not only inspire the next Orville Wright or Bill Gates, but also young girls, who may become the next Marie Van Brittan Brown, inventor of the first home security system.”
In addition to Oklahoma EPSCoR, Tinkerfest is sponsored by Express Employment Professionals and Allied Arts.
The museum’s permanent exhibits, as well as Science Live and Kirkpatrick Planetarium shows, will be available during Tinkerfest. “Bodies Revealed,” the comprehensive exploration the human body that gives visitors the opportunity to view the beautiful complexity of their own organs and systems, will be available for an additional charge.
Advance registration is not required, however guests must check in at the museum’s box office upon arrival to receive a wristband which will grant access to the museum and all Tinkerfest activities. Tinkerfest activities will conclude at 3 p.m. and the museum will remain open until 6 p.m.
All Tinkerfest activities will take place at the museum located at 2020 Remington Place in Oklahoma City. Additional parking will be available at Remington Park, and shuttles to and from Remington Park will be available from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
For more information about Science Museum Oklahoma’s Tinkerfest, visit www.sciencemuseumok.org/tinkerfest.
Pictured above: A child builds a cardboard airplane, one of the nearly 60 activities that will be available during Tinkerfest, in Science Museum Oklahoma’s Tinkering Garage.
Press Release Issued: Sept. 7, 2017
Science Museum Oklahoma Media Contact: Lindsay Thomas, Communications Director, Science Museum Oklahoma, 405-602-3713, [email protected]