Apply Now: Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
Oklahoma EPSCoR is now accepting applications for Summer 2011 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) funding. Deadline for submission is close of business on April 1, 2011.
REU awards provide research opportunities for undergraduate students, so they may benefit from hands-on research experiences in STEM fields and one-on-one guidance from faculty mentors at Oklahoma’s comprehensive research campuses (OU, OUHSC, OSU, TU) and the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation. Maximum allowable budget of individual awards is $5,000.
Oklahoma faculty in the bioenergy field are strongly encouraged to apply; current NSF REU grant funding IS NOT required for bioenergy research mentors. Faculty on existing NSF REU grants in other STEM disciplines may also apply.
To apply, faculty mentors should submit a 1-2 page proposal that includes:
(1) a description of the proposed project, (2) a brief budget, and (3) a statement outlining how the summer research experience will strengthen and encourage the student’s pursuit of a graduate degree that includes research components in STEM areas. A letter of commitment from the student, as well as a biographical sketch of the faculty mentor, is also required.
You may access the solicitation here.
Award preference will be given to research proposals in the bioenergy field. However, laboratory research in all STEM fields may be supported through the program.
Application materials should be submitted electronically by the authorized organizational official to Gina Miller, EPSCoR outreach coordinator, at [email protected]. Complete application packages must be received by 5 p.m. on Friday, April 1, 2011.
Questions? Contact Gina Miller at 405.744.7645 or [email protected].