Exploring EPSCoR Research Ecosystems: Phase I
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to this unique opportunity to take part in a series of community-driven workshops entitled “Exploring EPSCoR Ecosystems.” EPSCoR or the Established program to stimulate Competitive Research is a part of the National Science Foundation’s portfolio that pursues a mission to enhance the research competitiveness of targeted jurisdictions (state, territory or commonwealth) by strengthening science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) capacity and capability through a diverse portfolio of investments from talent development to local infrastructure. For more information on NSF EPSCoR please click here.
The overall purpose of this three-phase workshop series (Virtual April 17-18, 2024, and in person at NSF May 22-23 2024) is to enable a forum for the EPSCoR community to collaborate and develop tools, best practices, and resources to enhance the research competitive advantage of the overall EPSCoR community.
The series of workshops is designed to bring the entire EPSCoR community together to discuss strengths, opportunities, and challenges as they work to develop their research ecosystems. It is expected that through these workshops that each jurisdiction develops its own unique approach based on the intersectionality of the unique strengths, opportunities, and challenges present in its research ecosystem and be able to share these best practices across the entire EPSCoR community.
For sign-up information, dates, and additional details, please go to the following website: https://yourepscorecosystem.com/