Research Product Clearinghouse
About the Clearinghouse
The OK NSF EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Award No. OIA-1301789 (2013-2018), “Adapting Socio-Ecological Systems to Increased Climate Variability,” has generated numerous products that will prove beneficial for researchers, decision-makers, and individuals. The Research Product Clearinghouse portion of the EPSCoR website provides access to this diverse and important body of resources. The new OK NSF RII Award No. OIA-1946093 (2020-2025), "Socially Sustainable Solutions for Water, Carbon, and Infrastructure Resilience in Oklahoma," which was issued by NSF July 1, 2020, will add to this important body of work.
Via the clearinghouse menu on the left side of this page you can access OK NSF EPSCoR-developed and -facilitated products including decision-support tools, data repositories, integrated models, cyberinfrastructure, and journal articles.
These materials, which have been developed by the NSF EPSCoR research team and their colleagues, are being made available to support future research efforts and to provide guidance as society navigates the many social, ecological, economic and political changes and decisions associated with a fluctuating climate.
Questions? Contact Honey Bryan, Outreach Coordinator, at 405-744-7645 or [email protected].