Poster Session Registration: 2025 S3OK Annual State Conference

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REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  April 30th (11:59 p.m. CT)

About the Event

The 2025 Oklahoma NSF EPSCoR Annual State Conference will be held on May 14th and 15th, 2025. Students will share their research posters with Conference attendees on May 14th at Camp Trivera (2508 NE 50th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73111). A panel of judges will hear students' oral presentations and view posters. Winners will be announced at Camp Trivera on May 15th. Travel stipends will be awarded to the top students as identified by the judges. 

View the Agenda


Each presenter must register using the link below. The Research Project Abstract (MS Word only) must be prepared and ready for upload at the time of submission. 

Research Project Abstract Guidelines

Abstracts must be submitted in MS Word format and abstracts MUST INCLUDE the following components: 

  1. Student's Name
  2. Abstract Title
  3. Introduction
  4. Methods
  5. Results
  6. Conclusion
  7. Relevance of the Study

Separate/individual sections are not required for items 3-7, but each of these components must be addressed in the body of the abstract.

Additional abstract guidelines:

  • Abstracts must be the work of the student and cannot exceed 350 words.

  • Name each document per the student's name (i.e. lastname_firstname_abstract.docx; lastname_firstname_abstractform.docx).

  • Abstracts will ONLY be accepted in MS Word format (.doc or .docx) - no PDF or image files are allowed.

  • No props are allowed.


Contact Honey Bryan, EPSCoR Outreach Coordinator, at [email protected] or 405.744.7645.


IMPORTANT: You will receive a confirmation page upon submission. If you do not receive the confirmation, an error has occurred and your regsitration may not have been submitted. Contact [email protected] to ensure your registration was received if you do not receive a confirmation page or email.