2010 National SBIR Conference is Coming to Oklahoma City November 8-10
The 2010 SBIR National Conference will be held November 8-10 at the Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City. An estimated 500 individuals from around the nation will attend the three-day event titled Making Connections.
The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program is a set-aside program (2.5 percent of a federal agency’s extramural budget) for domestic small business concerns to engage in research and development that has the potential for commercialization. The SBIR program was established under the Small Business Innovation Development Act of 1982 (Public Law 97-219).
The conference will inform participants of specialized forms of funding available for small advanced technology firms who wish to perform cutting-edge R&D that addresses the nation’s most critical scientific and engineering needs. Attendees will learn about funding that is available from 11 federal agencies.
OK EPSCoR is proud to support this important program. For more information, or to register for the conference, go to www.SBIROK.