2013 OK EPSCoR Research Day at the Capitol to be Held April 11
Research Day at the Capitol 2013 will be held on Thursday, April 11, 2013. Posters will be on display from 8 a.m. to 1:20 p.m. in the 2nd floor rotunda area of the Oklahoma State Capitol building. An awards ceremony is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. in the Blue Room. Click here to access the event program booklet and agenda. (Note: Dates on the online program/agenda indicate a February event date, but the event will take place on April 11, 2013, due to winter weather causing the cancellation of the February event.)
Research Day at the Capitol is an annual event that is held in the State Capitol rotunda during each legislative session. The event was created to inform the legislature and the public about the high-quality research being conducted at Oklahoma colleges and universities.
Outstanding undergraduate students from Oklahoma's comprehensive and regional colleges and universities are selected by their institutions to participate in the prestigious program. Click here to access a list of 2013 Research Day at the Capitol student researchers.
The event is sponsored by OK EPSCoR, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and the National Science Foundation.
Benefits of Research Day at the Capitol include:
- Student participants are provided with training in the proper preparation and presentation of a scientific poster for general public audiences.
- Students’ posters and oral presentations are judged in a competition for cash prizes, as well as a grand-prize summer research internship at an Oklahoma college or university of the winner’s choice.
- Oklahoma colleges and universities gain recognition for outstanding research displayed to the legislature, media and the general public at the State Capitol.
- Government policy-makers gain an understanding of the outstanding research being conducted by young people on Oklahoma college and university campuses.
Message to Faculty Advisors of Student Nominees
Faculty advisors are highly encouraged to attend Research Day at the Capitol on April 11th to support their student researchers. However, please note that the judges will require advisors to step away from their student’s booth space when the student is presenting their poster to the judges.
To offset travel expenses for advisors’ participation, OK EPSCoR will, upon request, file a travel claim on the faculty mentor's behalf for mileage to and from the event. Advisors will need to pay for lodging at point-of-service and then be reimbursed on a state travel claim that EPSCoR will file for you on request. Please contact Pat Greer, OK EPSCoR administrative assistant, at [email protected] if you are in need of travel reimbursement.