DoE EPSCoR Announces $20 Million Available for Energy-Related Research
Announcement reprinted and obtained from the U.S. Dept. of Energy website, https://science.energy.gov/news/featured-articles/2018/11-14-18/?desktop=true, on 11/15/2018.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced a funding opportunity for up to $20 million for new grants under the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (DOE EPSCoR). The grants, to be awarded competitively on the basis of peer review, are aimed to help institutions in eligible states conduct research while building capabilities to enable these regions to compete more successfully for other federal R&D funding awards.
"Broadening participation in scientific research supporting our energy missions is important to maintain our nation's overall leadership in science," said U.S. Under Secretary of Energy Paul Dabbar. "These grants will expand scientific research in underserved states and territories leading to a stronger geographically distributed research base for the county."
The Funding Opportunity Announcement for EPSCoR Implementation Grants is intended to improve research capability through the support of groups of scientists and engineers, including graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, working on a common scientific theme in one or more EPSCoR jurisdictions. Collaboration with the world-class national laboratories managed by the DOE and leveraging of DOE national user facilities is encouraged to broaden the network of energy-related research performers across the nation.
Applications will be accepted for new grants. Initial awards are for up to two years and with possible renewals to extend the awards to a maximum of six years. The Department anticipates that $20 million will be available for this program in Fiscal Year 2019, with funding beyond FY 2019 contingent on congressional appropriations.
Final applications for this funding opportunity are due on March 27, 2019 by 5 PM Eastern time. Preliminary applications are required and are due on December 20, 2018 by 5 PM Eastern time. The Full text of the Funding Opportunity Announcement can be found here.
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