Just Announced! 2017 Oklahoma NSF EPSCoR State Conference
Access Conference Proceedings, Incl. Presentations & Abstracts

Researchers from across the state will gather to highlight Oklahoma’s climate research efforts during the annual Oklahoma NSF EPSCoR State Conference on Friday, April 7, 2017. The event will be held at the Embassy Suites Hotel (1815 S. Meridian Ave.) in Oklahoma City. EPSCoR scientists and special guest speakers will address topics including integrative modeling of human-natural systems, observing social and ecological systems in a changing climate, and decision-support tools produced through the EPSCoR award.
Climate variability researchers have the opportunity to register to present posters during the event (this includes students, post-docs, and faculty outside the EPSCoR project).
Undergraduate and graduate students can also register to participate in a poster competition that will be held during the conference. Please note: Poster competition participants must be directly affiliated with the EPSCoR research project.
The OK NSF EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Award No. OIA-1301789 (2013-2018), “Adapting Socio-Ecological Systems to Increased Climate Variability,” is a multi-institutional collaborative project that includes researchers from Oklahoma State University, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, University of Oklahoma and University of Tulsa. Researchers from these institutions are working together to significantly advance the understanding of how socio-ecological systems can adapt sustainably to increased climate variability caused by a changing climate. Learn more about the research project and access the conference agenda.
For more information about the conference which is hosted by Oklahoma NSF EPSCoR, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and the National Science Foundation, visit http://www.okepscor.org/calendar/2017-oklahoma-nsf-epscor-state-conference or email Gina Miller, outreach coordinator, at [email protected].
Registration for the conference is free, but required, via the link below. The registration deadline is Tuesday, March 21, at 5 p.m. Please note: If a poster will be presented (during either the poster session or poster competition), the poster title and abstract must be submitted at the time of registration.
Instructions for Poster Presenters/Authors and Student Competition Participants
- Abstracts are to be submitted at the time of registration.
- Complete the on-line Registration Form; answer all required fields (*).
- When your abstract is properly formatted, upload abstract file (only MS Word .doc or.docx accepted).
- Posters must be set up on the day of the event no later than 8:30 a.m.
Abstract Preparation Guidelines
- Microsoft Word files only (.doc or .docx)
- Abstracts will not be edited for content; therefore, double-check for typographical or grammatical errors prior to submitting.
- 300 words maximum
- 1” margins (top/right/left/bottom)
- Arial 12 pt font
- Set line spacing at 1.5 for all text
- Align left and justify all text
- Title in bold/all caps
- List all authors’ names and affiliations under title (double space between title and authors); underline name of primary poster presenter
- Save the file name as LastName_FirstName.doc (i.e. If your name is John Smith, the file name will be “Smith_John.doc”)
Poster Information
- Maximum dimensions: 48” wide X 36” tall (larger posters will not be accepted)
- Presenters should bring their own attachment materials (tacks, clips; tape may not be used)
- Boards and easels will be provided
Designated Conference Hotel
Embassy Suites Hotel
1815 S. Meridian Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73108
Make a hotel reservation online (use group code "EPS")
- Reservation Deadline: March 17 or when block is full
- Check in: April 6, 2017; Check out: April 7, 2017
- Room Rate: *$98/night
- Enter Group Code "EPS"
(*This is a State Government rate; the hotel will require a State ID from each guest at check-in to obtain the rate.)
Visit www.oklahomacity.embassysuites.com to make a room reservation online or call 1.405.682.6000 to reserve a room by phone. Provide Group Code EPS for online reservations. Ask for the discounted "OK NSF EPSCoR" rate when making your reservation by phone.
** Registration for this Event has Closed **
Photo credit: Carolyn Fletcher