National Center Provides Support to NSF-Funded Genome Researchers
U.S. researchers are in the midst of dramatic developments in genome sequencing capabilities, driven by the availability of high throughput, low cost next-generation gene sequencers. To help address the scientific challenges of understanding this new wealth of gene sequence information, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded Indiana University a $1.5-million grant (NSF Award #1062432 - ABI Development: National Center for Genome Analysis Support) to establish the National Center for Genome Analysis Support (NCGAS).
NCGAS supports the national community of NSF-funded researchers who undertake genome science, critical to new opportunities in biological discovery.
The NCGAS is the culmination of more than a decade of focused support for bioinformatics by University Information Technology Services, spearheaded initially by Dr. Richard Repasky and now led by Dr. William Barnett.
News, Events, Outreach
- UPCOMING: NCGAS Bioinformaticians and High Performance Applications specialists to present on the Optimization of Trinity at the XSEDE '12 Conference, Chicago Illinois. July, 2012
- UPCOMING: NCGAS to lead genomics BOF at XSEDE '12, Chicago Illinois. July, 2012
- Dr. William Barnett presented on NCGAS international infrastructure design at Bio-IT World Asia, June 6-8, 2012
- NCGAS Bioinformaticians from Indiana University and TACC presented a workshop on Trinity Use and Applications at the Jamboree RNA Data Analysis and Intrepretation, sponsored by the European Science Foundation and the Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics in Bloomington, IN, May 22, 2012
- Dr. William Barnett presented on NCGAS national Infrastructure pilot at Bio-IT World, April 25, 2012
- NEWS: 'Long Distance Analysis' article on national infrastructure for genomics analysis (GenomeWeb Daily News, March 2012)
- NEWS: Dr. Richard LeDuc Joins IU as the new Manager of NCGAS: March 1, 2012
- Dr. Tom Doak gives NCGAS Poster at 2012 PAG Conference
- Dr. Tom Doak gives NCGAS Poster at 2012 Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing