OK EPSCoR REU Student Guitri Obame-Ndong Presents Research Findings
Southeastern Oklahoma State University undergraduate student Guitri Obame-Ndong was selected to participate in the Oklahoma EPSCoR Summer 2012 Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program. Obame-Ndong performed bioenergy research, titled Enhancing Biomass Yield and Processing Efficiency in Alfalfa, under the guidance of his faculty mentor Dr. Maria Monteros. Dr. Monteros is an associate professor in the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation's Forage Improvement Division.
Click here to view a video of Obame-Ndong's end-of-project presentation.
The EPSCoR REU program strengthens and encourages undergraduate students' early participation in the university and scientific communities. Students experience hands-on STEM research and one-on-one guidance from faculty mentors at Oklahoma's comprehensive research institutions through the program.
For more information about this and other OK EPSCoR programs, visit www.okepscor.org.