OK EPSCoR Summer 2011 ROA and REU Award Recipients Announced
Four Oklahoma regional university faculty members and eleven undergraduate students from across the state have been selected to participate in the Oklahoma EPSCoR Summer 2011 Research Opportunity Award (ROA) program and the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. The fifteen award recipients and their lab sponsors will perform bioenergy research during the collaborative summer programs.
The EPSCoR ROA program offers regional university faculty members from primarily undergraduate institutions the opportunity to perform summer research in laboratories at comprehensive research campuses in Oklahoma. ROAs enhance regional faculty members’ personal research experiences, while also supporting the development of ongoing collaborations with faculty at the comprehensive research campuses. These collaborations expand and enhance Oklahoma’s research efforts across the state.
Summer 2011 ROA Recipients:
- Research Title
The Development of Catalytic Ionic Liquids for the Effective Processing of Cellulosic Biomass
Regional Faculty Member
Jude Abia, Northeastern State University
Lab Sponsor
Ruya R. Ozer, University of Tulsa
- Research Title
The Sequencing of a Transferable, Photosynthetic Endosymbiont
Regional Faculty Member
Stephen Fields, East Central University
Lab Sponsor
Tyrrell Conway, University of Oklahoma - Research Title
The Development of Potent Au-Pt Nanoparticle Catalyst for the Selective Hydrogenation of Acrolein to Allyl Alcohol: A Density Functional Theory Study
Regional Faculty Member
Doug Linder, Southwestern Okla. State University
Lab Sponsor
Alberto Striolo, University of Oklahoma
- Research Title
The Study of Virus Type and Biomass Correlation in Panicum virgatum
Regional Faculty Member
Julieanna Rohde, Northeastern Oklahoma A&M
Lab Sponsor
Ulrich Melcher, Oklahoma State University
The EPSCoR REU program strengthens and encourages undergraduate students' early participation in the university and scientific communities. Students experience hands-on STEM research and one-on-one guidance from faculty mentors at Oklahoma’s comprehensive research institutions through the program.
Summer 2011 REU Recipients:
- Research Title
Analysis of a Rice Cell Wall Cross-Linking Mutant for Improved Biomass Quality
Student Researcher
Meagan Anderson, Oklahoma City Community College
Faculty Mentor & Lab Site
Laura Bartley, University of Oklahoma
- Research Title
Utilization of Soft Drink Wast for Production of Ethanol
Student Researcher
Sydney Herlocker, Oklahoma State University
Faculty Mentor & Lab Site
Danielle Bellmer & Hasan Atiyeh, Oklahoma State University
- Research Title
Determination of Energy Contents from Stored Oklahoa Biomass
Student Researcher
Morgan Garrison, Oklahoma State University
Faculty Mentor & Lab Site
Michael Buser & Anthony Megel, Oklahoma State University
- Research Title
Isolation of Growth-Stimulating Compounds from a Dinoflagellate
Student Researcher
Brent Biddy, East Central University
Faculty Mentor & Lab Site
Stephen Fields, East Central University
- Research Title
Scale-Down Design and Testing of H2S Scrubber for Fuel Cell Biogas Pretreament
Student Researcher
Kylea Boyd, Oklahoma State University
Faculty Mentor & Lab Site
Scott Frazier & Ajay Kumar, Oklahoma State University
- Research Title
Proof of Princple: Heterogenization of Metal Complex Catalysts for the Catalytic Deoxydehydration of Biomass-Derived Polyols to Hydrocarbons
Student Researcher
Alana Denning, University of Oklahoma
Faculty Mentor & Lab Site
Friederike Jentoft & Ken Nicholas, University of Oklahoma
- Research Title
Study of Soot Structure and Size in Biofuel Oxy-Flames
Student Researcher
Tyler Nguyen, University of Oklahoma
Faculty Mentor & Lab Site
Wilson Merchan-Merchan, University of Oklahoma
- Research Title
Exploring the Celluloytic Capabilities of Bacteria from Novel Phyla Found within the Norman Landfill Research Site
Student Researcher
Aaron Tyler, University of Oklahoma
Faculty Mentor & Lab Site
Bradley Stevenson, University of Oklahoma
- Research Title
Metabolics and Genome Wide Association Mapping for the Elucidation of Triterpene Saponin Molecular Biochemistry in Medicago
Student Researcher
Amanda Jantz, Cameron University
Faculty Mentor & Lab Site
Lloyd Sumner, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation
- Research Title
Enhance Biomass Yield of Trangenic Switchgrass
Student Researcher
Jennifer Wolf, Oklahoma State University
Faculty Mentor & Lab Site
Zeng Yu Wang, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation
- Research Title
Understanding Plant-Soil-Microbial Processes to Enhance Soil Carbon Sequestration in High Diversity Bioenergy Feedstock Production
Student Researcher
Stephanie Grischkowsky, Oklahoma State University
Faculty Mentor & Lab Site
Gail Wilson, Oklahoma State University