RFP: 2022 OK NSF EPSCoR Research Experience for Undergraduates
OKLAHOMA NSF EPSCoR REU awards provide opportunities for undergraduate students from regional universities and colleges across the state to perform research in collaboration with Oklahoma’s comprehensive research campuses (OU, OSU, TU, NRI) during the summer months. The goal of the program is to enhance pursuit of graduate degrees by students at regional undergraduate institutions and strengthen network collaborations across all higher education institutions in Oklahoma. Students benefit from hands-on research experiences in STEM fields and one-on-one guidance from faculty mentors. A 2019 Council on Undergraduate Research study found that students who perform research as undergrads are more than 30% more likely to graduate than their peers and as much as 48% more likely to pursue STEM-related doctoral degrees. Proposals will be awarded via a competitive review process based on proposal integrity and the engagement of a diversity of students from regional institutions.
- Maximum allowable budget is $5,000
- No IDC allowed
- Budget must be used for the benefit of the student’s research (i.e., student stipend, total lab supplies, travel, etc.)
- No more than 5 REUs are expected to be awarded
- Medical research does not qualify for funding
Key goals of the OK NSF EPSCoR REU program are to enhance inter-university collaboration and to increase students’ pursuit of graduate degrees. To that end, the proposal must interface between a regional college/university and a research-intensive institution. This may be accomplished in one of two ways:
- A regional university student is hosted by a research-intensive campus faculty researcher (serving as PI)
- A regional university student is hosted by a regional university faculty member from that same institution (serving as PI), with collaboration taking place with a faculty researcher from a research-intensive institution
If both the PI and the student are from a regional university, it will be at the PI’s discretion what form and level of interface with the research-intensive institution are included in the proposal; consideration of enhancing inter-university collaboration and the student’s pursuit of a higher degree should be considered. In this instance, a letter of commitment and CV from the participating research-intensive institution faculty member should be included with the proposal, in addition to the PI’s documents.
Applications must be submitted by a university faculty member or grant's office staff; students may not submit proposals.