Workshops Opportunities (EPS-WO) for EPSCoR Jurisdictions
Important: At the time of posting (6.14.2019), this funding opportunity did not have a formal submission deadline. You should visit the official NSF page to access program updates regarding current funding availability and submission timelines.
The Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research is designed to fulfill the mandate of the National Science Foundation (NSF) to promote scientific progress nationwide. Through this program, NSF establishes partnerships with government, higher education, and industry that are designed to effect sustainable improvements in a jurisdiction's research infrastructure, Research and Development (R&D) capacity, and hence, its R&D competitiveness. Eligibility to participate in the EPSCoR Workshop Opportunities program is described according to the Outreach Eligibility Map (see eligibility map).
EPSCoR welcomes proposals for workshops from institutions within EPSCoR-eligible jurisdictions. These workshops will focus on innovative ways to address multi-jurisdictional efforts on themes of regional to national importance with relevance to EPSCoR's goals and NSF's mission.
Proposals may only be submitted by certain types of organizations; see solicitation for details. Review full program guidelines and learn how to submit a proposal in the latest solicitation.
The above funding opportunity was accessed via the NSF website on 12.15.21 at https://beta.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/established-program-stimulate.... Be aware that changes may have occurred since this announcement was posted on our site. You should visit the official NSF website for program updates and the most recent information.