Dr. Krushna Patil

“By understanding the gasification characteristics of biomass materials like switchgrass as it relates to the production of fuels and chemicals, we can help the public understand the process, opportunities and benefits of using new biofuels technologies.”
Dr. Patil’s OK EPSCoR research efforts focus on biomass gasification, pyrolysis and fluidization:
- Thermochemical and fluidization characteristics of biomass materials
- Fixed-bed and fluidized-bed biomass gasification reactors
- Air-steam and catalytic gasification to generate biomass syngas high in CO and H2
- Co-gasification of biomass materials
- Producer gas cooling and cleaning processes
- Producer gas co-firing
Prakash Bhoi | Research Engineer | Doctoral Student | Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering | India | [email protected]
Pushpak Bhandari | Graduate Research Assistant | Masters Student | Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering | India | [email protected]
Ninad Joshi | Graduate Research Assistant | Masters Student | Industrial Engineering and Management | India | [email protected]
Nikhil Tupkar | Graduate Research Assistant | Masters Student | Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering | India | [email protected]
Bold items indicate OK EPSCoR-supported research
- Patil, K., P. R. Bhoi, R. L. Huhnke, and D. D. Bellmer (2011). "Downdraft Biomass Gasifier with Internal Cyclonic Combustion Chamber: Design, Construction and Experimental Results." Bioresource Technology 102.10: 6286-290. SciVerse. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2011.03.033.
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- Sharma, A., A. Kumar, K. N. Patil, and R. L. Huhnke (2011). "Design, Development and Performance of a Lab-scale Fluidized Bed Biomass Gasifier." Transactions of the ASABE.
- Sharma, A., A. Kumar, K. N. Patil, and R. L. Huhnke (2011). "Performance Evaluation of a Lab-Scale Fluidized Bed Gasifier Using Switchgrass as Feedstock." Transactions of ASABE.
- Patil, K. N., R. L. Huhnke, and D. D. Bellmer (2008). "Gasification of Switchgrass Using a Unique Downdraft Reactor." ASABE 084415. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. St. Joseph, MI. Paper Number: 084415.
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- Patil, K. N., R. L. Huhnke, and D. D. Bellmer (2007). "Influence of Internal Baffles on Mixing Characteristics of Biomass in a Fluidized Sand Bed." Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal. EE 06 016. IX.
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- Bowser, T. J., P. R. Weckler, K. N. Patil, and C. DeWitt (2005). "Design and Testing of a Low Cost Pilot-scale Batch Gasifier for Food Processing Byproducts." Applied Engineering in Agriculture 21.5: 901-06. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
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- Patil, K. N., T. J. Bowser, D. D. Bellmer, and R. L. Huhnke (2005). "Fluidization Characteristics of Sand and Chopped Switchgrass-sand Mixtures." Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal EE 04 005. VII.4. eCommons@Cornell.
ISN: 1682-1130.
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