About Us: Oklahoma EPSCoR State Advisory Committee
The Oklahoma EPSCoR Advisory Committee was codified by statute as an advisory committee to the State Regents in July 2000. The committee, which is chaired by the chancellor of the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education, is made up of esteemed members of business, government, and academia.
The purpose of the committee is to promote cooperative research efforts among public and private universities in Oklahoma; promote private sector involvement in university research and encourage technology transfer; promote human resource development in science and engineering within the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education; recommend research projects when only a limited number may be submitted by the State of Oklahoma, and appoint the EPSCoR director.
Click here to access a printable list of committee members.
Oklahoma EPSCoR State Committee Members
OK State Regents for Higher Educ.
OK State Regents for Higher Educ.
655 Research Parkway, Ste. 200
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Vice Pres. for Research & Partnerships
University of Oklahoma
University of Oklahoma
201 Stephenson Parkway, Ste. 3100
Norman, OK 73019
Assoc. Dean
Research & Academic Affairs
The University of Tulsa
The University of Tulsa
Keplinger Hall, Rm. 2415
Tulsa, OK 74104
Vice Pres. for Institutional Diversity
Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma State University
408 Whitehurst Hall
Stillwater, OK 74078
State Director
OK Dept. of Career & Tech Educ.
OK Dept. of Career & Tech Educ.
Office of the Governor
1500 W. 7th Ave.
Stillwater, OK 74074
Cameron University
Cameron University
2800 West Gore Blvd.
Admin. Bldg., Rm. 220
Lawton, OK 73505
Vice President for Research
OK Medical Research Foundation
OK Medical Research Foundation
825 Northeast 13th St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73014
Interim Vice Provost for Research
The University of Tulsa
The University of Tulsa
800 S. Tucker Dr.
Tulsa, OK 74104
Oklahoma State Senate
State Capitol of Oklahoma
2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Rm. 528.1
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
College of the Muscogee Nation
College of the Muscogee Nation
2170 Raven Circle
Okmulgee, OK 74447
President & CSO
Noble Research Institute
Noble Research Institute
2510 Sam Noble Pkwy.
Ardmore, OK 73401
Vice Pres., West Central Region
Project Lead the Way
Project Lead the Way
11700 Slash Pine Dr.
Edmond, OK 73013
Vice Pres. for Research
Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma State University
203 Whitehurst Hall
Stillwater, OK 74078
Vice Pres. for Research
OU Health Sciences Center
OU Health Sciences Center
865 Research Parkway, Ste. 450
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Oklahoma House of Representatives
State Capitol of Oklahoma
2300 N. Lincoln Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73105