Who Wants to Be an Entrepreneur Workshop to be Held September 30
The ninth annual Who Wants to Be an Entrepreneur? workshop will bring Oklahoma’s college students and emerging entrepreneurs together September 30 for a one-day workshop at the Reed Center in Midwest City to learn it, teach it and live it.
The free workshop will begin with the first session at 8:30 a.m. and end at 6 p.m.
The event is expected to draw an audience of 400 to this educational workshop that has evolved into three separate tracks designed specifically for college students, aspiring entrepreneurs, faculty, mentors and an invited group of Oklahoma startup business leaders.
In addition to in-depth educational seminars, the agenda includes a networking luncheon with Oklahoma business and investment leaders for all attendees and, for the first time, a networking reception at the conclusion of the day.
Who Wants to Be an Entrepreneur? is sponsored by the Oklahoma EPSCoR, the Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology, i2E, Inc., the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber, MidFirst Bank, the University of Central Oklahoma College of Business Administration and the Oklahoma Business Roundtable.
“This workshop is a great opportunity for Oklahoma college students to gain valuable insight into researching and writing a business plan, creating financial documents and pitching a business to investors,” said Dr. James Wicksted, Associate Director of Oklahoma EPSCoR. “This year’s event will also be a great place for aspiring entrepreneurs to expand their resource of contacts through several networking events.”
Featured presenters will be Rob Wiltbank, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Williamette University, along with venture professionals from i2E and a panel of Oklahoma entrepreneurs.
Learn it, teach it, live it: The 2011 Who Wants to Be an Entrepreneur? workshop offers opportunities for education and networking for Oklahoma’s entrepreneurial community, from the college campus to new startups.
For more event information, and to register for the Learn it! workshop sessions, visit http://www.okepscor.org/calendar/who-wants-be-entrepreneur-workshop-learn-it-session.
Conference Venue Information