2013 OK EPSCoR Annual State Conference Presentations and Abstract Booklet

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Researchers from across the state gathered to highlight Oklahoma’s bioenergy research efforts during the Oklahoma EPSCoR Annual State Conference on Tuesday, April 23, 2013.  The event was held at the Wes Watkins Conference Center on the Oklahoma State University campus in Stillwater. 

EPSCoR biofuel researchers from the three research focus areas--feedstock development, microbial conversion and thermochemical conversion--shared research updates and progress with conference attendees throughout the morning sessions.  (Note: Speakers' presentations have been posted below when permissions have been granted.)

In the afternoon, a scientific poster session and hybrid poster/oral presentation competition spotlighted research progress in the alternative energy field. More than 40 research posters were on display at the conference.

Access the Abstract Booklet

Speakers included:

  • Stephen McKeever, Oklahoma Secretary of Science and Technology
    "Energy R&D in the State of Oklahoma"
  • Yanqi Wu, Associate Professor, Dept. of Plant & Soil Science, Oklahoma State University
    "Do We Know Switchgrass Better in Genetics and Breeding?"
  • Kiran Mysore, Professor, Plant Biology Division, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation
    “Biotechnological Approaches to Improve Switchgrass Production”
  • Ralph Tanner, Professor, Dept. of Botany & Microbiology, University of Oklahoma
    "Conversion of Syngas to Alcohols by Microbial Catalysts"
  • Laura Bartley, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany & Microbiology, University of Oklahoma,
    "Unveiling Grass-Diverged Aspects of Cell Wall Synthesis"
  • Sohi Rastegar, Program Director, ENG/CBET, EFRI, National Science Foundation

The complete event agenda may be accessed here.
Photos from the event may be accessed via our Flickr account here.