JumpStart RISE (Retention Initiative for Student Excellence)

College Student Outreach (Archived Project)

**  Archived Project  **
(This initiative is no longer active in our portfolio.)

JumpStart RISE is a four-week residential experience program that seeks to increase retention of underrepresented groups and first-generation college students in STEM fields by supporting a successful transition from high school to college.  The program, which is held on the Oklahoma State University campus in Stillwater, gives students a positive head start on their college careers.

The program introduces students to the college campus and programs, while also providing academic support.  Research and leadership opportunities are made available to students, as are social and cultural activities that encourage a smooth integration into college life. 

Students in the program are provided free tuition and fees (max. six credit hours), room and board, as well as text books and supplies.

For more information, contact Monica Dudley, RISE program coordinator, at 405.744.2920 or email [email protected].